ClearOne Satisfaction Guarantee


100% Satisfaction Limited Guarantee

If you are not fully satisfied regarding any aspect of your settlement program and notify us within 30-days of signing this Agreement, you will be entitled to receive all funds in your account plus a full refund of all settlement fees paid to ClearOne Advantage, LLC and your program will be terminated. If you should withdraw and terminate from the program after the 30 day period, you are entitled to all funds in your accounts, minus any fees that ClearOne had already earned from successful settlements that you have approved.

First Settlement Savings Limited Guarantee

If you do not realize a savings upon your first settlement (i.e. if the sum of the settlement payment plus our fees is not less than the enrolled balance of the settled account), upon your request within seven (7) days from the date of settlement, you will be entitled to a full refund of all settlement fees paid to ClearOne Advantage, LLC for that settlement and your program will be terminated.