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Saving Money Blogs - Page 1

8 Back-to-School Budgeting Tips

Published August 2021

As summer ends, it’s time for back-to-school shopping. Start by defining a budget, and involve your kids in the budgeting and shopping process.

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Topics: Saving Money

How to Live on a Tight Budget

Published July 2021

With the post-pandemic economy still ailing, many people around the country are struggling to make ends meet and are living on a tight budget. If you fall into this category, how can you make the most of your limited financial resources?

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Topics: Saving Money

Ways to Save on Car Insurance

Published May 2021

If your credit card debt is causing you to fall behind on bills, you need to either spend less or make more money. Saving money on car insurance can help you reduce the total amount of your monthly bills. However, you may also need to update your budget to see where you can make other changes to improve your finances.

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Topics: Saving Money

How to Cut Back on Expenses

Published April 2021

Cutting back on expenses can be tricky and stressful, but it can be done. We’ve put together some ideas to get you started but, if you get creative, you’ll find there are countless ways to stop the unnecessary spending today!

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Topics: Saving Money

How to Budget to Save Money

Published April 2021

If your goal is to save money – you need to work it into your budget. Read on for tips on how to budget to save money.

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Topics: Saving Money

How to Save on Your Water Bill

Published March 2021

If you’re trying to reduce your monthly expenses to help pay down credit card debt, consider how to save on your water bill.

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Topics: Saving Money

Should I Pay Off My Debt or Save?

Published February 2021

Paying off debt and saving money don’t need to be mutually exclusive, unless your finances don’t allow you to do both at the same time. Let’s look at when it’s beneficial to prioritize paying off debt and when you may want to consider starting or contributing to a savings account.

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Topics: Saving Money

How to Celebrate a Debt-Free Holiday

Published November 2020

The holidays can be a great time of year to spend time with your loved ones and kick back and relax. Be generous with your time and love, but make a pact with yourself this year to avoid getting caught up in the moment and being a bit more generous than you can afford to be with the material giving.

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Topics: Saving Money

Saving Money During Times of Economic Uncertainty

Published August 2020

Warren Buffett, the world-renowned billionaire and financial expert, advises:

“Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.”

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Topics: Saving Money

Reducing Expenses During a Financial Hardship

Published June 2020

Financial difficulties can be challenging. If you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you have a bevy of bills to pay, a lack of funds, and you aren’t sure how you can pay these monthly bills, then you understand financial hardship. Financial hardships occur when you lack the money to pay for your necessary expenses, and taking on debt or missing payments might seem like your only solution. Many Americans are currently experiencing these types of issues, so know that if you are in this position, you are not alone, and you don’t need to feel embarrassed. Instead, there are some steps you can take to help yourself out with this type of situation.

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Topics: Saving Money