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Debt Consolidation Blogs - Page 1

7 Great Reasons to Find a Debt Resolution Strategy

Published May 2021

If you are carrying bad debt, it’s time to get rid of it. There are plenty of reasons why you should pursue freedom from debt, and there are many ways to do so. Here are just a few.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation Loan vs. Debt Settlement

Published May 2021

If you are reeling under the burden of credit card debt, you should take action now and explore what debt relief options are available to you in order to pay off credit cards. This article examines the pros and cons of a debt consolidation loan vs. debt settlement.
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Topics: Debt Consolidation

How to Manage Retirement Debt

Published May 2021

Having a large amount of debt when you are ready to retire can present a challenge. Here are some tips on how to manage retirement debt.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

DIY Debt Settlement Pros and Cons

Published April 2021

If you are one of the millions of Americans in credit card debt and you’ve been exploring your debt relief options, you’ve likely already discovered that there’s a lot of information to take in on the subject.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

Debt Resolution Programs: Do they work?

Published April 2021

You may have questions about whether debt resolution programs work. If you’re struggling with debt, it’s worth looking into.

Unsecured debt such as credit card debt can cause a lot of stress and worry, but there’s a solution! Read on to learn more about debt resolution, also known as debt settlement, to find out how it can help you get your financial freedom back.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

Debt Settlement vs. Credit Counseling

Published April 2021

Debt settlement and credit counseling are radically different approaches to eliminating debt. Despite some ambivalence that may exist in this respect, the two debt resolution methods have little in common except for their goal, which is to give you freedom from debt.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

Consolidating Debt? Avoid These Types of Loans

Published April 2021

A debt consolidation loan can help you get out of credit card debt. But if you don’t qualify for a decent rate, you should be wary of guaranteed loan offers that sound too good to be true.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

Should I Refinance My Student Loans?

Published March 2021

While student loans are in forbearance due to the Coronavirus, this may be the perfect time to consider a student loan refinance. Lowering your student loan debt through refinancing may be able to lower your overall debt if you choose the correct loan.

A good way to save money when refinancing is often to secure a lower interest rate on your new loan since you can’t change the principal without paying it off. However, there are some additional factors that could alter your decision to refinance or not.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

When to Consider a Balance Transfer Card

Published January 2021

Sometimes, transferring a balance from one credit card to another makes good financial sense, but sometimes it doesn't. If you are wondering if a balance transfer card is a good solution in your particular situation, here is what you need to know about this potential debt relief method.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation

Gain Your Freedom from Debt in 2021

Published January 2021

If you aim to go debt-free in 2021, you have chosen to fight the good fight. Congratulations on your choice! You deserve all the support and help you need to achieve your goal.

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Topics: Debt Consolidation