Blogs - Page 1

Handling Credit Card Debt on a Tight Budget

Published September 2021

Being on a tight budget does not mean that you have to learn to live with debt. Find out what you can do to reduce and eliminate debt on a tight budget.

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Topics: Credit Card Debt

Protect Yourself from Credit Card Fraud: A Guide for Consumers

Published September 2021

The 2020 global pandemic locked up economies and limited the use of cash. As the circumstances forced more people to use plastic, fraudsters found more opportunities to steal identities and commit credit card fraud.

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Topics: Financial Education

How to Know If You Are a Victim of Identity Theft

Published September 2021

Identity thieves have redoubled their efforts lately, leading to more theft reports than ever. Spot identity theft early to limit its effects on your life.

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Topics: Financial Education

What to Do If You Miss a Credit Card Payment

Published August 2021

Missing a credit card payment is not the end of the world if you act fast. Learn how to minimize the damage of a missed payment to protect your credit score.

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Topics: Credit Card Debt

8 Back-to-School Budgeting Tips

Published August 2021

As summer ends, it’s time for back-to-school shopping. Start by defining a budget, and involve your kids in the budgeting and shopping process.

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Topics: Saving Money

How to Budget for Major Life Events

Published August 2021

Regardless of your lifestyle, as you go from childhood to adulthood and then grow older, you encounter several milestones that define your life. You may get married, start a family, buy a home, buy a car, start a business, etc. These major life events have one thing in common: they all cost money.

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Topics: Financial Education

What to Do If You Are a Credit Card Fraud Victim

Published August 2021

Credit card fraud is one of the most frequent types of identity theft in the US. Prior to 2020’s unprecedented rise in fraud related to application for government benefits (likely as the result of COVID-19-related fraud), credit card fraud topped the list of identity theft types by a wide margin for multiple years in a row.

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Topics: Financial Education

What Is Credit Card Fraud?

Published August 2021

Close to half a million people fall victim to credit card fraud in the US every year. Learn what credit card fraud is and how you can guard against it.

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Topics: Financial Education

How Does Identity Theft Impact Your Credit?

Published August 2021

You stick your credit card into an ATM to grab some cash on your way home from a trip. Unbeknownst to you, someone has installed a barely noticeable electronic device over the card slot of the machine, called a “skimmer.” A few days later, you begin to notice fraudulent charges on your accounts. Someone has stolen your identity by committing credit card fraud.

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Topics: Financial Education

Credit or Debit Card? When to Use Each One

Published July 2021

Credit cards offer you great value in many ways, but debit cards can keep you out of debt. Make an informed and responsible decision about how you pay.

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Topics: Credit Card Debt